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Polly Stockton  and  Imperial TrumpPolly Stockton  and  Imperial TrumpAlice Sandberg  and  CecilioClark Montgomery (USA) and  Loughan GlenIzzy Taylor  and  Its ChicoKate Walls  and  Cooley LandsSophie Jenman  and  GeronimoJeanette Brakewell  and  Forever RedGordon Murphy  and  ImperialOliver Townend  and  Cooley SRSGinny Howe  and  Foxy Lady VLibby Seed  and  Tullamore Dew IIVirginia Wells  and  Cooley Absolute AltitudeKitty King  and  Creevagh CooleyCharlotte Agnew  and  Cooley KuduCharlotte Agnew  and  Cooley KuduCharlotte Agnew  and  Cooley KuduGina Ruck  and  Careful NumoCatriona Kerruish  and  Wrenwood KaliberIzzy Taylor  and  Be Touchable