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Salla Aario and Celtas ChibougamauRuth Edge and Elite OppositionAndrew Nicholson and QwanzaAndreas Dibowski and Mighty MagicEmiliano Portale and ChaconneCamilla Speirs and BT CrewmasterAndrea Lesakova and Serzant 1Benoit Malandain and Panaji de SeripheeChristoffer Forsberg and Lehar AGraham Law and High TIme IIStuart Crawford and AmacuzziFrank Ostholt and Sir MedicottMichael Jackson and Wish upon a StarAlvaro Perez De Lois Rios and WoldstreekAlvaro Perez De Lois Rios and WoldstreekTomas Carlile and Pemba des CarrieresMichael Jackson and Wish upon a StarPiggy French and Pinto De ToulgoatPiggy French and Pinto De Toulgoat