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William Fox Pitt and SeacookieWilliam Fox-Pitt and SeacookieWilliam Fox-Pitt and SeacookiePhillip Dutton and Mr MedicottMaxime Livio and Cathar De GamelWilliam Fox-Pitt and SeacookieAndrew Nicholson and Mr Cruise ControlMaxime Livio and Cathar De GamelDonatien Schauly MDL and Pivoine Des TochesAndrew Nicholson and Mr Cruise ControlSarah Bullimore and Valentino VDonatien Schauly MDL and Pivoine Des TochesRodolphe Scherer and Makara De MontiegeJoseph Murphey and Electric CruiseMarilyn Little and RF DemeterJoseph Murphey and Electric CruiseWilliam Fox-Pitt and Cool MountainWilliam Fox Pitt and Cool MountainWilliam Fox Pitt and Cool MountainWilliam Fox-Pitt and Cool Mountain